Cause of bad posture.
Cause of bad posture.
From forms that affect the bones, spine, shoulder, and pelvis, including natural gap gone end up with worse posture.
Let’s pick up the causes in this modern times.
1. Bedding
Bedding also heavily involved in posture.
If duvet and bed are too soft, children’s body might sink too much and they have difficulties to turn around. Furthermore, it is common to use not too hard, but not too soft bedding.
2.Lack of exercise
As I described in “height and posture” page, a slouch posture will lead heart, lung and vascular pressure and it inhibits the flow of blood. It will eventually lead to a more affecting in the internal organs of the digestive system, digestion and absorption will not work successfully.
I could say it is the first step to have a correct posture, is what you can start to increase your height. It can lead to a serious situation deteriorate further bends to the left and right spine “curved” requiring orthopaedic surgery, and produce various symptoms such as backache or stiff neck, headache, tiredness, and abdominal pain.
To sum up!! Movement and posture are closely linked. It’s not easy to correct their posture so suddenly if they already have bad posture. The lack of enough strength to keep the correct posture and the nature of human beings can’t adapt to things that never done in life.
Exercise is required to keep correct posture. Find strength for the exercise and keep the correct posture is important also. Most of the sports have difference between right and left movement. So even if you do the exercise, that doesn’t mean you could correct your posture by exercise.I will recommend you to ask instructor who has knowledge about postural conditioning to check your posture, flexibility balance and learn exercise for keeping up the good posture.
3. TV game
I was wondering about children who play TVgame.
When I checked their posture, most of time, they have stoop posture. This stoop posture is the state of stretching spine. Spin is the weak muscle. When you stretch spine for a while,
put a strain on the intervertebral disc, it might cause pain, tension, and might be loose.
TV games and computers should be limit within an hour a day.
4.Because desk and chair are uncomfortable, study at the stoop
If you have 1,2,3 postures in above, you need to take an attention. Each puts a strain on the vertebrae of the spine, cervical spine, lumbar spine, and it becomes a cause of distortion.
Then, what you need to pay attention is the height of chair.
Correct angle is when you sit down on a chair, heels are on the floor, and knee bent at a right angle. If you are having high chair at the position, legs are hanging out, it makes your body tired to adjust, and attention becomes distracted. At home, desk is required that could changed according to the growth of child. Make sure to sit deeply, and stretching the neck posture. Abdominal and back muscles to balance is important, it is better not to use backrest. To choose a low-back chair is one of the tips too.
5.Heavy bags
When you always carry your bag in one hand, reverse side of the back tend to rise to take the balance of the body, and orientation of the foot when walking or standing posture becomes unbalanced.
Shoulder bags are also the same. In this case, one-sided shoulder is unbalanced and spine is curved awry.