3 Major Elements for Growth (Nutrition)
Relationship between height and nutrition
There is no perfect food like “If you eat this, you can become higher.” Nutrients, such as protein, calcium, and magnesium, are very important in order to get higher. Yet you cannot get higher by eating limited foods.
For example, an egg contains a lot of protein, but if you eat too much of it, you accumulate cholesterol. Milk is rich in calcium, but you may get fat if you drink it too much. Nuts are rich in magnesium, but there is also a theory that if you eat too much, it hastens puberty.
It is important to take well-balanced nutrition from various foods so as not to bias.
Of course, in the same way as there is no perfect food with which you can eat only it, there is no food, which you cannot eat. A hamburger with high-calorie contains protein, and soft ice cream contains calcium.
In short, it is all right if they are not biased.
However, in the case of Japanese children, the reality is that only calcium is insufficient.
Calcium is a difficult nutrient to take because its absorption rate is not stable depending on each food. Nutrients that can not be compensated with diet are also recommended to compensate with supplements and nutrition functional food and the like.
Calcium gummy that Suku suku Noppo kun recommends is a nutrition functional food, which contains well-balanced nutrition, which tends to be insufficient, including calcium. Please also try this.

Nutrients needed for growth are well-balanced mixed with low-calorie! “Calcium gummy” is recommended to add to the everyday meal!

For children with weak chewing force, “Niko Niko Calcium” in tablet type is recommended. Children with small appetite and with likes and dislikes can also supply nutrition deliciously!